Visit a AccessDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AliasDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AlignasAttribute node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AlignasTypeAttribute node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AlignofExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AlignofTypeExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ArrayDeclaratorChunk node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AsmAttribute node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AsmClobber node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AsmDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AsmGotoLabel node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AsmOperand node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AsmQualifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AssignmentExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AtomicTypeSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a Attribute node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AttributeArgumentClause node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AttributeDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AttributeUsingPrefix node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AutoTypeSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a AwaitExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a BaseSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a BinaryExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a BitfieldDeclarator node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a BoolLiteralExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a BracedInitList node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a BracedMemInitializer node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a BracedTypeConstruction node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a BreakStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a BuiltinBitCastExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a BuiltinOffsetofExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a CallExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a CaseStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a CastExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a CharLiteralExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ClassSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ComplexTypeSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a CompoundRequirement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a CompoundStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a CompoundStatementFunctionBody node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ConceptDefinition node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ConditionalExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ConditionExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ConstevalIfStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ConstevalSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ConstexprSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ConstinitSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ConstQualifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ConstraintTypeParameter node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ContinueStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ConversionFunctionId node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a CoroutineReturnStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a CppCastExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a CxxAttribute node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a DeclarationStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a Declarator node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a DecltypeAutoSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a DecltypeId node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a DecltypeNestedNameSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a DecltypeSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a DeductionGuide node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a DefaultFunctionBody node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a DefaultStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a DeleteExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a DeleteFunctionBody node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a DerefThisLambdaCapture node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a DesignatedInitializerClause node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a DestructorId node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a DoStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ElaboratedTypeSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a EllipsisExceptionDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a EmptyDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a Enumerator node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a EnumSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a EqualInitializer node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ExplicitInstantiation node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ExplicitSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ExportCompoundDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ExportDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ExpressionStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ExpressionTemplateArgument node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ExternSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a FloatingPointTypeSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a FloatLiteralExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a FoldExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ForRangeDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ForRangeStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ForStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a FriendSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a FunctionDeclaratorChunk node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a FunctionDefinition node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a GccAttribute node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a GeneratedLiteralExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a GeneratedTypeSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a GlobalModuleFragment node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a GlobalNestedNameSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a GlobalScopeReflectExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a GotoStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a Handler node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a IdDeclarator node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a IdExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a IfStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ImplicitCastExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ImportName node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a InitDeclarator node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a InitLambdaCapture node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a InlineSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a IntegralTypeSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a IntLiteralExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a LabeledStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a LambdaExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a LambdaSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a LeftFoldExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a LinkageSpecification node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a LiteralOperatorId node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a LiteralOperatorTemplateId node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a MemberExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ModuleDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ModuleImportDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ModuleName node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ModulePartition node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ModuleQualifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ModuleUnit node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a MutableSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NamedTypeSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NamespaceAliasDefinition node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NamespaceDefinition node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NamespaceReflectExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NestedDeclarator node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NestedExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NestedNamespaceSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NestedRequirement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NestedStatementExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NewBracedInitializer node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NewExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NewParenInitializer node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NewPlacement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NoexceptExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NoexceptSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NonTypeTemplateParameter node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a NullptrLiteralExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a OpaqueEnumDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a OperatorFunctionId node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a OperatorFunctionTemplateId node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a PackExpansionExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ParameterDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ParameterDeclarationClause node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ParameterPack node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ParenInitializer node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ParenMemInitializer node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a PlaceholderTypeSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a PointerOperator node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a PostIncrExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a PrivateModuleFragment node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a PtrToMemberOperator node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ReferenceOperator node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a RefInitLambdaCapture node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a RefLambdaCapture node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ReflectExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a RequiresClause node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a RequiresExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a RestrictQualifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ReturnStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a RightFoldExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ScopedAttributeToken node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a SignTypeSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a SimpleAttributeToken node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a SimpleDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a SimpleLambdaCapture node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a SimpleNestedNameSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a SimpleRequirement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a SimpleTemplateId node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a SizeofExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a SizeofPackExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a SizeofTypeExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a SizeTypeSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a SpliceExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a SpliceMemberExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a Splicer node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a SplicerTypeSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a StaticAssertDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a StaticSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a StringLiteralExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a StructuredBindingDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a SubscriptExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a SwitchStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TemplateDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TemplateNestedNameSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TemplateTypeParameter node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ThisExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ThisLambdaCapture node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ThreadLocalSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ThreadSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ThrowExceptionSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a ThrowExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TrailingReturnType node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TranslationUnit node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TryBlockStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TryStatementFunctionBody node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TypeConstraint node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TypeConstruction node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TypedefSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TypeExceptionDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TypeidExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TypeidOfTypeExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TypeIdReflectExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TypenameSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TypenameTypeParameter node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TypeRequirement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TypeTemplateArgument node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a TypeTraitExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a UnaryExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a UnderlyingTypeSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a UserDefinedStringLiteralExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a UsingDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a UsingDeclarator node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a UsingDirective node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a UsingEnumDeclaration node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a VaArgExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a VaListTypeSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a VirtualSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a VoidTypeSpecifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a VolatileQualifier node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a WhileStatement node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Visit a YieldExpression node.
The node to visit.
The context.
Base class for recursive AST visitors.